   I want minimize_constrained()) to return a point such that the sum of 
   its coordinates is <= 1, in order to make the constraint c_5 positive. (The 
   docs [0] say that the constraints "should be either a function or list of 
   functions that must be positive.") However, the returned point's 
   coordinates sum to more than 1, and the point yields a negative number on 
   c_5.  What am I doing wrong?
   Here's a transcript of my session with Sage 7.5.1 on macOS Sierra:
   sage: vars=var('x y') 
   sage: c_1 = lambda p: p[0]
   sage: c_2 = lambda p: p[1]
   sage: c_3 = lambda p: -p[0] + 1 
   sage: c_4 = lambda p: -p[1] + 1 
   sage: c_5 = lambda p: -p[0] -p[1] + 1 
   sage: minimize_constrained(f, [c_1, c_2, c_3, c_4, c_5], [0, 0]) 
   (0.9999292893218813, 0.9999292893218813)
   sage: c_5([0.9999292893218813, 0.9999292893218813])

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