Thanks! I did not expect a particular simplification of the function; the 
problem is that the given simplification caused problems. This function 
appeared as a factor in the computation of the curvature of some spatial 

El domingo, 15 de enero de 2017, 15:50:06 (UTC+1), Michael Orlitzky 
> On 01/14/2017 03:42 AM, Enrique Artal wrote: 
> > This is true. The problem is that if not used, simple expressions keep 
> to 
> > be too much complicated. Is there any compromise? 
> > 
> There is simplify_full() which should be safe for all expressions, and 
> simplify_real() that assumes everything is real. Those two methods use 
> our Maxima backend. 
> The sympy backend has improved a lot, too. There's no easy way to get 
> access to it, but something like this should work: 
>   sage: import sympy 
>   sage: f = sin(x/(x^2 + x)) 
>   sage: sympy.simplify(sympy.sympify(f)) 
>   sin(1/(x + 1)) 
> In the case of f = sqrt(cos(x)^3 - 3*cos(x)^2 - cos(x) + 6), did you 
> have any particular simplification in mind? I don't see anything obvious 
> that can be done. 

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