On 2017-01-07 11:09, Vincent Delecroix wrote:
> Le 05/01/2017 à 11:33, Daniel Krenn a écrit :
>> It seems like the embedding is simply ignored in some sense:
>>   sage: QQbar(QuadraticField(-1, 'I', embedding=-CC.gen()).gen())
>>   I
> To my mind, this one should actually raise an error.


> The proper way to
> declare an embedding in QQbar is via
> sage: K = QuadraticField(-1, 'I', embedding=-QQbar(I))
> sage: K.0
> I
> sage: QQbar(K.0)
> -I
> which works perfectly fine.

Is it possible to define one embedding from a number field into CC and
another into QQbar (at "the same time")?


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