For rational functions you'd rather want to work with polynomials, not 
(symbolic) functions.
sage: R.<x>=QQ[]
sage: q=(x^2+4*x+4)/(x+2)^2
sage: q
sage: q=(x^2+4*x+4)/(x+2)^3
sage: q
1/(x + 2)
sage: q.parent()
Fraction Field of Univariate Polynomial Ring in x over Rational Field

On Thursday, December 29, 2016 at 9:48:00 AM UTC, Ingo Dahn wrote:
> Hi,
> I am not sure what *simplify *does. For example
> q=(x^2+4*x+4)/(x+2)^2
> simplify(q)
> doesn't do any simplification, while
> factor(q) yields 1.
> According to tab completion SageCell doesn't seem to support any other 
> form of *simplify*. Is there any strategy to combine Sage commands in 
> order to simplify rational function expressions?
> Ingo

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