Thanks Michael. I am plotting it now, and it is just waiting without giving 
a crash. 
Is it automatically right to use complex_plot command to plot the imaginary 
part of the same plot as given below?

onsdag 28. desember 2016 16.58.00 UTC+1 skrev Michael Orlitzky følgende:
> On 12/28/2016 10:33 AM, Fjordforsk A/S wrote: 
> > This is how its supposed to go: 
> > 
> > sage: plot3d(((1 - (3/8 - 3*t^2 - 2*t^4 - 9*x^2 - 10*x^4 - 12*t^2*x^2) + 
> > i*x*(15/4 + 6*t^2 - 4*t^2 - 2*x^2 - 4*x^4 + 8*t^2*x^2))/(1/8*(3/4 + 
> 9*t^2 + 
> > 4*t^2+ 16/3*t^6 + 33*x^2 + 36*x^24 + 16/3*x^6)))*e^(i*x)), (x, -2, 2), 
> (t, 
> > -2, 2) 
> > 
> > 
> > However, Sage thinks that 3*t^2 = Integer(3)*t****Integer(2) 
> > 
> > That is , twice multiplied with 2, and not exponent to two. 
> The double-star means exponentiation in both python and in sage: 
>   sage: 2^8 
>   256 
>   sage: 2**8 
>   256 
> But beware, the carat "^" has a special meaning in sage. In python, it 
> does something else entirely: 
>   >>> 2^8 
>   10 
> In any case, your problem is elsewhere... I think you've got an extra 
> parenthesis at the end of your expression. Instead of "e^(i*x))", you 
> should have "e^(i*x)". Then you'll need another parenthesis at the end 
> of the whole thing. 
> After that, well, at least you get a different error =) 
> It crashes for me because it's trying to plot a point with a non-zero 
> imaginary part. It could be that the imaginary part is tiny -- in which 
> case you can throw it away -- or else you might have to rearrange your 
> expression, or break up the domain. 

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