Sun 2016-11-06 16:00:30 UTC+1, Francis Banks:

> I am solving a polynomial which arises from plotting titration cures
> in chemistry. The rule of signs suggests it has one positive root.
> Find_root seems to find it. Solve with poly_solve=true does not.
> Instead it gives 4 complex roots, which don't appear to satisfy the
> equation. They do not even form two conjugate pairs. Here is some
> code which illustrates the problem:
> var('Kb','b0','K1','Ks','a0')
> fx(x)=-Kb*x^4 - (b0*Kb + K1*Kb + Ks)*x^3 - (b0*K1*Kb - a0*K1*Kb + K1*Ks - 
Kb*Ks)*x^2 + (a0*K1*Ks + K1*Kb*Ks + Ks^2)*x + K1*Ks^2
> fx(x)=fx.subs(K1=10^-2.15,Ks=10^-14,Kb=10^5.0,a0=0.1,b0=0)
> s=find_root(fx,0,0.025,1E-14)
> show(s)
> s1=solve(fx,x,to_poly_solve=true)
> show('roots from solve: 
> show('Substituting first root from solve: ',N(fx(s1[0].rhs()),10))
> show('Substituting first root from find_root: ',N(fx(s),10))
> plot(fx,0.001,0.03)
> Can someone shed light on this?

This is a very good question for Ask Sage, would you ask it there?

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