On Monday, November 7, 2016 at 5:59:14 AM UTC-8, tdumont wrote:
> okay. Now let us construct a polynomial from l: 
> sage: print sum([l[i]*z^i for i in range(0,len(l))]) 
> (-0.4022786138875136? + 0.?e-18*I)*z + 1 
>                           ^^^^^ 
>        Why? an imaginary part? 
>        ---------------------- 
There are polynomials for which this doesn't happen. It would be better to 
include enough information to reproduce your observations.

The representation you see is a float approximation to the algebraic 
number. You can approximate real numbers quite well with complex numbers 
with non-zero imaginary part.

sage: P.<x>=QQbar[]
sage: u=[u for u in (x^3+x+1).roots(multiplicities=false) if u.imag()==0][0]
sage: u
sage: v=(u*QQbar.zeta(8))^4; v
-0.2167565719512513? + 0.?e-18*I
sage: v.imag() == 0
sage: v._exact_value()
a^4 where a^12 + 2*a^8 + 5*a^4 + 1 = 0 and a in 0.4824786170789168? - 
sage: v.simplify()
sage: v
sage: v._exact_value()
a^2 - a where a^3 + a - 1 = 0 and a in 0.6823278038280193?
sage: v.minpoly()
x^3 + 2*x^2 + 5*x + 1
sage: v.minpoly().roots(QQbar)
[(-0.2167565719512513?, 1),
 (-0.891621714024375? - 1.954093392512700?*I, 1),
 (-0.891621714024375? + 1.954093392512700?*I, 1)]

(I have seen cases where "simplify" didn't do the trick, but recomputing 
the algebraic number by taking the roots of the minimal polynomial did)

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