On Sunday, November 6, 2016 at 3:01:34 PM UTC, Afonso Henriques Silva Leite 
> Please, I need some help here!

the important line in your report is

ImportError: libgfortran.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file 
or directory 

Probably you are using a binary release of Sage that was built on a machine 
with libgfortran.so.3
globally installed.
Chances are that if you install libgfortran on your system (i.e. if you run 
debian or ubuntu
this would be done by "apt-get install libgfortran")
and it will be the correct version, Sage would just work.

It would be possible to say more if you also mentioned how you installed 
Sage, which version, what OS you are running, etc.

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