On Thursday, 3 November 2016 04:58:11 UTC+11, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Wednesday, November 2, 2016 at 11:57:20 AM UTC, Paul Leopardi wrote:
>> On Wednesday, 2 November 2016 20:08:20 UTC+11, Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>>> I must say I don't know why these libgap.set_global and get_global are 
>>> needed.
>> I used them to get my large matrices into libgap as globals. Trying to 
>> pass them through a text based interface does not work.
> ld you show an example of this? 
> IMHO you might indeed have a problem if you use libgap.eval(). But you 
> should not...
> The other thought is that you appear to work with Cayley graphs, and for 
> them you only need to pass one row of the adjacency matrix,
> and the group; passing the whole matrix is an overkill.
Hi Dima,
Thanks for your patience and for all your help. I finally got the following 
to work:


def check_graphs_using_gap(g_0, g_1):
    m_0 = g_0.adjacency_matrix()
    m_1 = g_1.adjacency_matrix()
    dim = str(m_0.dimensions()[0])
    gap.eval('M_0 := '+gap(m_0).str())
    gap.eval('M_1 := '+gap(m_1).str())
    gap.eval('GR := Group( () )')
    gap.eval('G_0 := Graph( GR, [1..'+dim+'], OnPoints, function(x,y) 
return M_0[x][y] = 1; end,true );')
    gap.eval('G_1 := Graph( GR, [1..'+dim+'], OnPoints, function(x,y) 
return M_1[x][y] = 1; end,true );')
    return gap.eval('IsIsomorphicGraph(G_0, G_1);')

Assuming that the algorithm used is Nauty rather than Bliss, running this 
code against my graphs confirms the cases of non-isomorphism that I 
previously identified.

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