>>  I actually prefer the standard notebook because of its menus and 

> >> My main problem is that my @interact examples that worked in Sage 6.XX 
> (and 
> >> even the examples in the current  SageMath documentation) no longer 
> work in 

They don't work in sagenb at all in 7.4?  That would be a surprise.

> >> the SageMath 7.4 standard notebook . Also, when I attempted to use the 
> >> Windows version of SageMath 7.4, it started up the Jupyter notebook 
> instead 
> >> of the old notebook. Will these problems be fixed in future versions of 

That was a decision by the distributor of the Windows/VirtualBox image. 
 You should be able to use the regular notebook with that by using 
notebook() from the Sage command line prompt.

> Regarding what happened with the Sage distribution, nobody wanted to 
> maintain the old sage notebook, so people decided Sage should switch 
> to Jupyter, which is maintained and developed.    Other people then 
> tried to implement something like Sage's @interact on top of what 
> Jupyter provides, but they evidently didn't do so sufficiently 
> robustly yet... 
But see https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21267 which apparently will deal 
with most of that. 

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