multiscalar wrote:
> Thanks, this is definitely simpler and it worked, but only about half of
> the packages I use are included. How would I add the other ones?

Well, if you're a bit familiar with Sage / Python and the shell, take a
look at

    build/pkgs/gap_packages/spkg-install (a shell script)


    src/sage/interfaces/ (especially gap_reset_workspace(), line
1486 ff.)

The wiki page you mentioned is probably outdated, as it was last updated
in 2013.

The first file above starts with

# WARNING -- if you add a package here, also add it to
# the gap_reset_workspace() command in
#    <SAGE_ROOT>/src/sage/interfaces/

but AFAICS not all of the GAP packages from the current optional
gap_packages package are actually listed / treated there, no idea why.

Otherwise it *may* perhaps help to delete all old GAP workspaces (by
default in $HOME/.sage/gap/) *before* (re)starting Sage, then calling
gap_reset_workspace() again.

If I'm not mistaken, you could afterwards load the GAP packages you
want, before calling gap_reset_workspace() once again, in order to make
them part of your saved workspace.



> I think these days diskspace isn't much of an issue, it would be nice if
> there are similar commands to install all accepted packages.
> On Saturday, September 10, 2016 at 11:46:33 AM UTC-7, John Cremona wrote:
>     I just do "sage -i gap_packages" (and "sage -i database_gap") which
>     sounds a lot simpler if it includes the packages you need.
>     On 10 September 2016 at 18:36, multiscalar <
>     <javascript:>> wrote:
>         I just built sage-7.3 under Centos7. Everything seems to have
>         worked well :
>         sage comes up fine and a few simple calculations work. The gap
>         part on its won
>         also comes up and works with simple tests, but there are no
>         packages included.
>         I'm now trying to add all the gap packages to the gap component.
>         I tried to
>         follow the steps in :
>         <>
>         The gap version in sage-7.3 is 4r8p3 which is one version older
>         than the latest gap.
>         To play it safe I downloaded the version that matches sage and
>         expanded it in a temporary
>         directory. I then started sage shell :
>          sage -sh
>         and copied the contents of the "pkg" subdirectory from the
>         temporary area to the sage
>         area (sage/local/gap/latest/pkg/....). I built a couple of the
>         packages and that worked
>         fine. I then exited the sage shell.
>         Following the instructions I then called sage and typed :
>         gap_reset_workspace() 
>         I got a "WARNING : this should never happen" and it seems that
>         sage got stuck somewhere.
>         Also calling the gap on its own shows that the package
>         installation didn't work.
>         I think this shouldn't be too hard to fix, but I'm out of ideas.
>         Thanks for your help.

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