Why don't you create a github it will show it with nbviewer automatically ?

Here is mine (not specially interesting) but apparently all your work could be view :)


Le 26/08/2016 à 10:55, Stan Schymanski a écrit :
Dear all,

I have been using sagemath for research for many years now, and I am extremely happy with it. For my latest papers, I would like to make the sage code available to the public, so that people can follow through what I did and re-use the code for their own data. The journal's guidelines also ask to make any relevant data and code available. Of course, I could just upload it to some generic data server, but it would be so great to also make it available on a sage server, which would render the worksheets correctly and where people could start working with it straight away. I believe that this would make a lot more scientists aware of the benefits of sagemath.

There used to be several open sagemath servers around, but the ones I used previously have disappeared, probably at the same time as sagemath cloud (SMC) made its appearance. I gather that SMC is commercial, meant to generate funds for the further development of sagemath. I hope it takes off. However, this also means that SMC is likely not the right place to permanently publish worksheets, as they would be taken down once I stop paying the fees for some reason. Can anyone suggest a suitable place for that? The minimum requirement is that the worksheet can be viewed and downloaded. Being able to execute and modify cells would be a bonus, and long-term availability (permalink?) would be another bonus. I haven't seen any "public" worksheets on SMC, in the way the old sage servers worked. Would there be scope to create such a space in SMC, so to say as an advertisement?

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