Just in case some other new person sees this there is one point I should 
correct/clarify from the original post. 
In fact a1r1, a1r2, and a1r3 are *not *three distinct representations of 
the same mathematical object. The 
representation of the first simple root as an element of the ambient space 
is r3[13], not r3[0].
sage: a1r3=r3[13]

sage: a1r3.to_weight_space()
2*Lambda[1] - Lambda[2]

sage: a1r3.to_simple_root()


sage: a1r3==a1r1


sage: a1r3==a1r2

On Wednesday, July 27, 2016 at 4:26:06 AM UTC-4, Joseph Hundley wrote:
> I've been looking around in the documentation for root systems. It's not 
> clear to me whether the individual roots in the system are accessible 
> objects. For example, I can take the root system F4. 
> sage: rs=RootSystem("F4")
> sage: r1=rs.root_lattice().positive_roots()
> sage: r2=rs.weight_lattice().positive_roots()
> sage: r3=rs.ambient_space().positive_roots()
> sage: r1
> A recursively enumerated set with a graded structure (breadth first search)
> sage: r2
> A recursively enumerated set with a graded structure (breadth first search)
> sage: r3
> [(1, 0, 0, 0),
>  (0, 1, 0, 0),
> ...
>  (1/2, -1/2, -1/2, -1/2)]
> sage: it1=r1.breadth_first_search_iterator()
> sage: it2=r2.breadth_first_search_iterator()
> sage: a1r1=next(it1)
> sage: a1r2=next(it2)
> sage: a1r3=r3[0]
> sage: a1r1
> alpha[1]
> sage: a1r2
> 2*Lambda[1] - Lambda[2]
> sage: a1r3
> (1, 0, 0, 0)
> sage: a1r1==a1r2
> True
> sage: a1r1 is a1r2
> False
> sage: a1r1 == a1r3
> False
> sage: a1r2==a1r3
> False
> If I understand what's going on, a1r1, a1r2 and a1r3 above are three 
> distinct representations of the same mathematical object (the first simple 
> root of F4). My question is whether there is a way to access the root 
> directly? (Say you have some function which takes a root or pair of roots 
> as input which you want to implement...)

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