Dima Pasechnik wrote:
> On Wednesday, August 10, 2016 at 10:39:44 AM UTC+1, leif wrote:
>     Dima Pasechnik wrote:
>     > this is now https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21199
>     <https://trac.sagemath.org/ticket/21199>
>     Is it at all supposed to be used that way?  (I don't think so.  IMHO
>     it's an optional package to use *instead* just like GMP vs. MPIR at
>     Sage
>     *configure* time, not to be installed afterwards.)
> I cannot see how this can be an optional package this way; in this way
> it would require all the tests passing!
> (i.e. full python3 support for  Sage :-))

And that's the reason we don't have a 'configure' option
'--with-python=...' yet (just the env var SAGE_PYTHON3 which is looked
at when configuring Sage). ;-)

But we don't have a package type 'alternative' either (which would make
sense for Python2/Python3, MPIR/GMP), just 'standard' and 'optional' in
this case.  Hence these packages are explicitly treated specifically in
the build system ('configure' and Makefiles); in fact, the choice made
at *configure* time gets hardcoded into the generated Makefile.


>     Still, as is it's presumably confusing and dangerous.
>     -leif

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