On Jun 28, 2016, at 12:56 , kcrisman wrote:

> I think we'll need a little more information about exactly what you 
> downloaded, what you did, etc.
> To the list - perhaps someone can try the binary for OS X 10.11 to verify 
> it works on at least some of them?

I have OS X 10.11.5, on a new MBP.  Running ".sage -notebook" from $SAGE_ROOT 
does the following:
 - prints out a bunch of stuff.
 - switches to the "space" where Safari is running.
 - opens a new page
 - displays the notebook "home page".

Seems good here.  Is there anything more I can add?
FWIW, sage does complain about the version of GPM in use (it wants version >= 
5) for security's sake.



Justin C. Walker, Curmudgeon at Large
Institute for the Enhancement of the Director's Income
If you don't know where you're going,
you might wind up someplace else.
   - Yogi Berra

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