What is it " After SAGE is built SAGE’s libcf bindings need to be enabled.
The file all.py in
needs to be edited. The line
import sage.libs.cf.cf as cf"
The preferred way to install SAGE is by compiling it from source. For this,
unpack sage-, enter the created directory, and type make. This
should build SAGE and most of its dependencies automatically under Linux and
Mac OSX. The build takes between 1 and 2 hours depending on
the system it is running on.
After SAGE is built SAGE’s libcf bindings need to be enabled. The file
all.py in
needs to be edited. The line
import sage.libs.cf.cf as cf
needs to be uncommented. Afterwards, sage -br should be called once to
rebuild parts of SAGE and run it.
After the build is finished the thesis.tar archive may be unpacked wherever
the user wishes to. Enter the just created directory and call
/PATH_TO_SAGE/sage. This should bring up a SAGE prompt.
To create CTC ideals the ctc implementation needs to be loaded first. This
is done either by loading or attaching it. Attaching a SAGE source file to
SAGE means that it gets automatically
reloaded if it changed on disk. To construct a random CTC ideal with B = 2,
Nr = 3 the following commands must be executed at the SAGE prompt.
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