Hi folks,

When comparing the product of two square roots to the square root of
the product using two scalars, I get True:

    sage: bool(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(2) == sqrt(pi*2))

But when using a variable instead of one of the scalars, I get False:

    sage: n = var('n')
    sage: assume(n>=0)
    sage: bool(sqrt(pi)*sqrt(n) == sqrt(pi*n))

Note that I've seen a related behavior whereby Sage doesn't simplify
the product of two square roots when one of them is a variable, as in:

    sage: integrate(e^(-x^2/n),x,0,oo).simplify_full()

So, might I be missing something or might this be a bug?

Marc Tardif <m...@interunion.ca>
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