The method "word_problem" for a permutation group element can be found at

But if the permutation group G is finite, I wonder whether I can also 
obtain a shortest word of an element w in G that does not use the inverses? 
This is, is there a way to get a word in M(G) = < g1, ... gm >_{monoid} as 
a monoid (of course M(G) = G as sets for G finite)?

If this is not yet anywhere in Sage, is there maybe a function in gap that 
does provide that, which I could wrap?

One simple example would be:

    sage: pi
    sage: G.gens()

    sage: pi.word_problem(G.gens(),False)[0]

    sage: pi.not_existing_word_problem_method_as_monoid(G.gens())

Thanks! Christian

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