I do

$ sage-7.1
│ SageMath Version 7.1, Release Date: 2016-03-20                     │
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sage: ReflexivePolytope(3, 14).facets_lp()[1].points()
M( 1,  0,  0),
M(-2, -1,  0),
M( 0,  1, -1)
in 3-d lattice M

On 05/04/16 15:25, tortis...@gmail.com wrote:
Thank you for checking it. Can anyone confirm that it works in his or her
7.1 installation?

On Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 8:05:03 PM UTC+2, Dima Pasechnik wrote:

this works for me on Linux, Sage 7.2.beta2

On Sunday, April 3, 2016 at 6:59:26 PM UTC+1, tort...@gmail.com wrote:


i was just running some code that works well on cloud.sagemath.com (sage
and crashes on my local sage 7.1 installation.
A minimal example is the following line of code:

ReflexivePolytope(3, 14).facets_lp()[1].points()

The last part of the crash report reads:

 in _pullback(self, data)   1124             return data   1125         if data is 
self._vertices:-> 1126             return self._sublattice_polytope._vertices   
1127         if is_PointCollection(data):   1128             r = 
[self._pullback(point) for point in data]
AttributeError: 'LatticePolytopeClass' object has no attribute 

It might be worthwhile to point out that ReflexivePolytope(3, 
13).facets_lp()[1].points() evaluates just fine.

I am running sage on Mac OS X 10.11.4.

Thanks for your help,


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