PS: In your example, the order generated by the element

b = 3033120361/143075599831793664*a^4 + 1953773/876688724459520*a^3 +
53/38811740405760*a^2 + 1/3158507520*a

is actually locally maximal at 7, so you can compute all the primes above 7
and the residue maps for this order just by computing the min poly of b and
factorising it mod 7. Amusingly, the factorisation of the minimal
polynomial turns out to be

sage: b.minpoly().change_ring(GF(7)).factor()
(x + 2) * (x + 3) * (x + 4) * (x + 5) * (x + 6)


On 26 March 2016 at 14:53, David Loeffler <>

> Dear Misja,
> What I had in mind was something like this. Given some monstrous number
> field K with enormous discriminant, and some small prime p, you can ask
> Sage for a p-maximal order and it'll find one reasonably quickly, as you
> know.
> All I was saying is that if the resulting order O is of the form Z[X] /
> (f), for some polynomial f in Z[X] -- i.e. if "O.ring_generators()" is a
> list of length 1 -- then you can quickly compute all possible maps O -->
> Fp-bar by just factoring f modulo p. (Sage really ought to have this coded
> up already; sadly it doesn't, but it's trivial to implement.) Maybe this
> isn't a terribly helpful remark; I don't know how likely it is that the
> orders you work with have this form.
> David
> On 17 March 2016 at 16:33, Misja <> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> Thank you very much for this helpful reply! You're right, of course: my
>> example was silly. Here's an example with a 104 digit discriminant that my
>> code just got stuck on (for a bit).
>> x=polygen(QQ);
>> K=NumberField(x^5 + 16255223088*(x^4) - 330681713908949415936*(x^3) -
>> 5058938091171222191449571328000*(x^2) -
>> 2907488578277274989701398473183198183424*x +
>> 76587534178613500902724649685949865805676749520896,'a');
>> fact=K.factor(5);
>> print K.residue_field(fact[0][0]);
>> What I am trying to do is to calculate reductions of modular forms modulo
>> some prime ideal P. However, the coefficients of such a modular form may
>> lie in a number field with a 1000 digit discriminant and I want to avoid
>> trying to factor this if I can, hence my trying to use p-maximal orders.
>> Could you explain a bit more what you mean in the monogenic case? Could
>> you do something like EquationOrder(K.defining_polynomial(),'alpha'), take
>> a p-maximal order there and then do what you are suggesting? Although,
>> actually, I don't know if sage can calculate a p-maximal order of a given
>> order.
>> Misja
>> On Thursday, 17 March 2016 15:50:59 UTC, David Loeffler wrote:
>>> There are two reasons why people work with non-maximal orders: because
>>> they're actually interested in their arithmetic; or (more often) because
>>> they're working with examples where the discriminant is too large to
>>> efficiently factor. Which is the case in your problem? In the example you
>>> give, you're letting PARI choose the order for you, but the discriminant is
>>> small enough that one can find a maximal order in a few milliseconds anyway
>>> (and Sage is perfectly happy to work with residue fields of maximal
>>> orders).
>>> If you genuinely don't want to factor the discriminant, but the orders
>>> you're interested in are "monogenic" (generated by a single element over
>>> Z), then you can just factor the characteristic polynomial of the generator
>>> over Fp and that gives you the factorisation, and the reduction maps,
>>> immediately.
>>> Can you give an example of a case you'd be interested in where the
>>> maximal order is really too big to easily find?
>>> Regards, David
>>> On 11 March 2016 at 14:42, Misja <> wrote:
>>>> For a number field N I am trying to factor an integral prime p in a
>>>> p-maximal order Op. In the end I would like a map from the quotient of the
>>>> p-maximal order Op/P (for P|p) to some finite field in Sage's standard
>>>> finite field form, but I can't quite figure out how to do it.
>>>> Firstly, Sage doesn't have ideals or residue fields of non-maximal
>>>> orders implemented, so I am trying to compute the factorisation of p in Op
>>>> via the PARI/GP interface with sage. I think this can be done, for example,
>>>> in the following way, in which we compute a 7-maximal order of the number
>>>> field defined by x^8+x^3-13*x+26 and compute all primes above 7 in this
>>>> order.
>>>> x=polygen(QQ);
>>>> nf=gp.nfinit([x^8 + x^3 - 13*x + 26,[7]]); #Note the [7] at the end,
>>>> indicating a 7-maximal order only.
>>>> nf;
>>>> fact=gp.idealprimedec(nf,7);
>>>> fact;
>>>> res_field_sizes=[];
>>>> for i in fact:
>>>>     res_field_sizes.append(i[1]**i[4]);
>>>> res_field_sizes;
>>>> Now, for each element fact[i] of fact, I would like to compute a
>>>> homomorphism Op->Op/fact[i]->GF(res_field_sizes[i-1],'gen') - note that
>>>> we're using a vector in pari/gp and a list in sage hence fact[i]
>>>> corresponds to res_field_sizes[i-1]. I can't quite get this to work.
>>>> I feel like there are two options:
>>>>    1. Translate the p-maximal order and prime factorisation back to
>>>>    sage. Take a poly quotient or something. Map this to a finite field.
>>>>    2. Keep on working in pari/gp and use, for example,
>>>>    nfeltreducemodpr to reduce elts of Op to the residue field (does this
>>>>    really calculate Op/P if the nf.zk is a non-maximal Z-basis?). Map this 
>>>> to
>>>>    a finite field somehow. Translate back to Sage.
>>>> I can't really get either approach to work at the moment. But I
>>>> wouldn't call myself a big Sage or PARI/GP expert, so it is very possible
>>>> that I am missing something.
>>>> Any suggestions would be much appreciated!
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