The ~/.xinitrc file ends with

------------- snip on ----------
# The following line starts the old SageNB notebook
# $HOME/sage/sage --notebook=sagenb interface=\'\' port=8000 
automatic_login=True >& $LOG

# The following line starts the new Juyyter notebook
$HOME/sage/sage --notebook=jupyter --ip='*' --port=8000 >& $LOG
------------ snip off -----------

If you edit it according to the comments (and reboot the VM) you can switch 
between the two

On Tuesday, March 8, 2016 at 3:49:33 PM UTC+1, jamedrano wrote:
> I tried to create interactive graphs in Sage 7.0 virtual machine, but all 
> I get is a bunch of HTML code, am I doing something wrong?   Is there a way 
> to use Sage 7.0 with the old worksheet interfase?
> Thanks for any help.

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