Documentation fixes are at 
<> (needs review)

On Saturday, March 5, 2016 at 3:15:08 PM UTC+1, Kapil Paranjape wrote:
> Hello,
> Thanks for the clarifications. Achieved success as explained below.
> On Tuesday, 1 March 2016 02:01:26 UTC+5:30, Volker Braun wrote:
>> On Monday, February 29, 2016 at 10:47:22 AM UTC+1, Kapil Paranjape wrote:
>>>    1. Why does "sage --bdist" still exist if if does not work? At the 
>>>    very least it should give a message saying something like "Unpack in 
>>>    *exactly* the same location where you built Sage" *and* sage -bdist 
>>> should 
>>>    not name the top-level directory incorrectly (as it currently does).
>>>    2. The installation instructions (README.txt e.g.) should probably 
>>>    indicate the above and stop suggesting "sage -bdist" perhaps?
>> Agreed. Patches are welcome...
> Patches will take some time ... Mid-semester break coming up, so that may 
> be a time to make those! 
>>>    1. What is the solution available for people who want to install 
>>>    Sage in a container of some kind (e.g. chroot) where all the build-tools 
>>>    are not available or there is not enough space to build sage and the 
>>>    existing binaries do not work (incompatible libc for example)?
>> Build a relocatable binary using
> Thanks. This worked well for me on our main server. (I could not longer 
> complete the direct build from source on my netbook running Debian jessie). 
> A couple of points for others who follow this:
>    1.  If you get the latest version of binary-pkg from github, note that 
>    it builds the current origin/develop branch of SageMath.
>    2.  If that is not what you want, you need to edit sage.yaml in two 
>    places:
>       1. You need to exclude the older doctrees in src/doc/output rather 
>       than the newer location for the developmental branch.
>       2. You need to change the repository branch to "master" or set the 
>       repository itself to a locally downloaded unpacked source directory if 
> you 
>       have one as I did.
>    3.  Also note that you need an internet connection to build the 
>    package as binary-pkg downloads various sources off the 'net. If you have 
> a 
>    pesky proxied net connection (as I did) your build may fail due to the 
>    inability to download packages ( seems to indicate an 
>    inappropriate site to some proxies!). Use "tor" or some such to get around 
>    such network issues.
> After this the build worked smoothly and the compiled packaged installed 
> itself properly in a new location and worked fine.
> Thanks for the help. I will work on the documentation patches as suggested.
> Regards,
> Kapil.
> --

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