Case in point : Trac#19469 <>. This 
ticket will solve an annoying quirk un the Ipython notebook.

I tested it successfully on one installation, by recompiling the whole hog 
( make distclean && make ).

I have another installation, now up to 6.10beta1. I did successfully :
git trac checkout 
make (rebuilds the documentation, by the way...)

The resulting Sage still has the "old" behaviour.

I also tried ./sage -b in $SAGE_ROOT. Same result.

Is there a way to force the recompilation-reinstallation of the Ipythobn 
notebook ? I know that neither ./sage -i notebook or ./sage -f notebook 
work : these calls fail with complaining that they cannot find the source 
tarball... Further attempts to use this installation fail with the same 
error (sage has somehow registered that the Ipytho notebook is missing and 
tries to install it, unsuccessfully...).

What am I missing ?

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