On Monday, 13 July 2015 11:08:02 UTC+1, Simon King wrote:
> Hi Volker, 
> On 2015-07-13, Volker Braun <vbrau...@gmail.com <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > You can use tor (https://www.torproject.org) to access the entire 
> internet 
> > or gmane (http://dir.gmane.org/gmane.comp.mathematics.sage.devel) 
> > specifically for sage-devel. 
> I wouldn't be surprised if they blocked tor, too (and of course anybody 
> who uses tor automatically becomes suspect). And I have seen at several 
> European and US-American universities that the web is configured in such 
> a way that using gmane via slrn doesn't work (but I don't know if they 
> just block slrn or also block using gmane in a web browser). 
> I have only seen NNTP port (119) blocked (the one needed by the classical 
Usenet readers such as slrn).  And this is mostly out of ignorance - I 
managed a couple of times to get it open just by emailing sysadmins.

Best regards, 
> Simon 

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