On Tuesday, June 9, 2015 at 5:36:01 PM UTC+2, black...@gmx.de wrote:
> Thank you, 
> and i already tried this. In this case it obiously does work but in case i 
> have denominators, can u explain me how to solve it?
> for example: K(s/(s+t),s^2*t^2) then i have to calculate the elimination 
> ideal of ((a0-s,a1-s^2t^2):(s+t)^\inf) where (I:J^\inf) is the saturation 
> of I with respect to J?
You should look for elimination theory, If you have a subfield  
K(f1/g1,...,fr/gr) in K(x1,...,xn) han have an element h, 

You should construct the Ideal 

I = Ideal (  g1*a1-f1, ....,  gr*ar-fr, h-b) 

Where a1,...,ar, b are new variables. You saturate with respect to 
g1*g2*...*gr. For efficiency reasons, it might be faster to succesively 
saturate with respect to each gi

Then eliminate the variables x1,...,xn, 

I0 = I.elimination_ideal([x1,...,xn])

Now you have to check if there is a polynomial in I0 of degree exactly 1 in 
b. You can obtain this from a Grobner basis with respect to an appropriate 

In general, if every generator of I0 has degree 0 in b, then h is 
transcendent over K(f1/g1,...fr/gr) otherwise, the polynomial with minimal 
degree in b is in fact (a multiple of) the minimal polynomial of h over 

I think that if you can factor and compute gcd of multivariate polynomials, 
you can also approach the problem using resultants.

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