> Volker (or someone else) what is going on here with the display hook - 
> parametric_plot does note perform adequate input checking, leading to the 
> construction of a graphics3d object with bogous state.
>> shouldn't *some* graphic, even an empty one, show up here, even if my 
>> made-up input makes no sense? 
> I don't think so, the normal Python way is to show you a backtrace so you 
> can fix your mistake and not make up random default return values.

If there is an error, but that's not what (apparently) happened here, only 
a warning.  In which event it should raise an Error of some kind, but it 
didn't (did it?) and not return anything.

> The problem here is of course that the color function fc must be a 
> function of two arguments instead of one.
Ah, that's what happens when I try to check something when I'm too tired to 
read documentation - esp. of a ticket I was involved with (par. plot 
coloring), worse luck.  Good call.

> I can reproduce the crash, presumably you opened a bug for that?

No, I couldn't get it to happen again - please do open a ticket if you were 
able to reproduce it.  Actually, I'd appreciate you opening and cc:ing me 
and Niles on a ticket about the color function checking as well (in a few 
minutes I'll be off the train in a no-internet zone for the day).  Thank 

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