This was posted to sage-devel, but is also relevant here.
-------- Forwarded Message --------
Subject: Sage Notebook shutdown
Date: Thu, 26 Mar 2015 12:17:20 -0700
From: William Stein <>
To: sage-devel <>, sage-notebook
Hi Sage Developers,
We've posted the following message on the site:
"This Sage notebook server will be shut down April 17, 2015. Please
download any work you'd like to preserve before then. You can download
a zip archive of all of your active worksheets by clicking the
"Download All Active" link at the top left of your worksheet listing
page. We encourage users to migrate to SageMathCloud, the next
generation web interface for Sage. You can upload Sage worksheets or a
zip archive of downloaded worksheets to SageMathCloud to migrate your
worksheets to SageMathCloud."
The reasons for *me* personally not running are many,
including liability, time, etc. In fact, for the past few years
Jason Grout was doing all administration of, but he's no
longer available to do that. I can't run it anymore, and I think
from a security point of view it is terrifying to run one completely
publicly. That said...
... if there were somebody reputable who wanted to setup, manage and
run a big public sage notebook instance, open to the world, I would be
happy to point the DNS at it and also give them all the
files (note -- part of the motivation for the April 17 deadline is
that Google is shutting down the authentication system sagenb uses).
They would, of course, have to provide the compute, since I'm
nervous continuing to run this at Univ of Washington. currently takes less than 1TB of disk space and runs on
exactly one 24-core Sun computer with 128GB of RAM, which was
purchased using an NSF grant over 6 years ago.
-- William
William (
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