I am having exactly the same problem as this, using 6.5 on OS X 10.8.5. 
Everything that's supposed to be in the help file appears to be present, 
but search doesn't work.

On Saturday, 6 September 2014 11:30:14 UTC-6, Hal Snyder wrote:
> I'm adding info to a problem previously reported on this group - 
> https://groups.google.com/d/msg/sage-support/W02WUZjnX9I/1pr4MiVHpLEJ
> - if I launch notebook() from the Sage binary, browse to help and then to 
> any of the top row of links (Tutorial, Reference Manual, etc.), the left 
> navbar has the text for Quick Search, but there is no input field. If I 
> view source for the localhost page, the form definition <form 
> class="search" action="search.html" method="get">...</form> that shows up 
> in the online version at www.sagemath.org/doc/reference is absent.
> - if I launch tutorial() or manual() directly from the sage prompt, the 
> search text field appears in the left navbar, but when I enter text in it, 
> I am taken to a screen that says "preparing search". There is a sequence of 
> dots that animate, but the search does not complete. I don't see any 
> processes consuming appreciable CPU time.
> I've reproduced this on two Macs running OS X 10.9.4, with versions of 
> sage built from 6.3 through 6.4 beta2 source, as well as from the pre-built 
> binary at boxen: sage-6.3-x86_64-Darwin-OSX_10.9_x86_64.dmg, and with 
> Chrome, Safari, and Firefox.
> I wonder if others are seeing this, or if there is some obvious config 
> setting I can check.

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