
sage: eq = sqrt((pi-5)^2)
sage: eq.canonicalize_radical()
pi - 5

And as you can read from the documentation
   Choose a canonical branch of the given expression. The square root,
   cube root, natural log, etc. functions are multi-valued. The
   "canonicalize_radical()" method will choose *one* of these values
   based on a heuristic.

As Simon said, be careful if you start using canonicalize_radical
since it does not preserve equality

sage: eq = sqrt((pi-5)^2)
sage: eq.numerical_approx()
sage: eq.canonicalize_radical().numerical_approx()


2015-02-27 14:36 UTC+01:00, Simon King <simon.k...@uni-jena.de>:
> Hi Paul,
> On 2015-02-27, Paul Royik <distantjob...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> What is the way to consistently simplify square roots of squares?
>> Examples:
>> sqrt((x+1)^2) - > x+1
>> sqrt(cos(4*x)+1) -> sqrt(2)cos(2x)
> Simplification must not change the value of the expression. sqrt(x^2) is
> certainly not equal to x. Even under the additional assumption that x is
> real, you could only simplify it to abs(x)
> Best regards,
> Simon
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