Thanks Andrey and kcrisman for the replies!

On Thursday, February 19, 2015 at 4:05:25 PM UTC-5, Andrey Novoseltsev 
> On Thursday, 19 February 2015 12:17:24 UTC-7, kcrisman wrote:
>>>             f.write(old_heading +
>>>         exceptions.UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 
>>> 0xc2 in position 5454: ordinal not in range(128)
>>> Any help would be appreciated.
>> I would recommend looking at what happens when you do them - which 
>> worksheet seems to trigger this?  My guess is there is some unusual 
>> character, see for instance 
>> or 
>> for some details - maybe it even is the same character in question.  I 
>> guess we need to ask this to be written with utf-8 or something.  Andrey, 
>> any suggestions?
I thought of that, when I saw the error.  There was only one worksheet with 
a weird name (which I had imported from someone).  I tried changing the 
name, but it did not work.

> Well, my guess is that there are some worksheet titles with non-Latin 
> characters. Luis - do you have any? Can you try to download them separately 
> and in a small group? (Separately meaning a single one into sws file, and a 
> group means two or more that should be packed into an archive.) I am not 
> sure where exactly encoding commands should be added, but to start with we 
> need a reproducible behaviour. 

OK, so I went over all worksheets, deleting a bunch I did not need anymore, 
and then tried each worksheet individually.  I found out that I had two 
worksheets causing the problem, i.e., I could not download them 
individually or whenever they were in a group.  They were both imported, 
i.e., I saw them somewhere (sorry, can't remember where), liked, downloaded 
and imported.  Both run fine, by the way.

One is "Newton's Method".  It is short, and I could not spot any weird 
characters *after I changed its name*.  (This is the one that had a strange 
name, but I think not UTF-8 characters.  It had simply things like & and 
').  Here is its content:

html("<h2>Newton's Method</h2>")
html("Here you can experiment with how Newton's Method approximates the 
zeros of a function.")
html("<ul><li>Modify <i>f</i> for the function whose zero you want.</li>")
html("<li>Modify <i>Number of steps</i> for the number of steps the method 
should take (1—5, default 2).</li>")
html("<li>Modify <i>x</i><sub>0</sub> for the starting 
html("If 5 steps is not enough, change the starting value to the last 
html("The default setup provides an example using ")
html("<i>x</i><sup>3</sup> + 0.4 <i>x</i><sup>2</sup> - 0.51 <i>x</i> - 
def squeezers(f=input_box(default=x^3+0.4*x^2-0.51*x-0.16), num_approx=
slider(1,5,default=2,step_size=1,label="Number of steps"), xstart=input_box(
label="<i>x</i><sub>0</sub>",default=2), xm=input_box(label=
"<i>x</i><sub>min</sub>",default=0), xM=input_box(label=
"<i>x</i><sub>max</sub>",default=2),roundto=input_box(label="Round answers 
to how many digits? (0: don't round)",default=4)):
    if (roundto!=0):
        xprev = round(xstart,roundto)
        xprev = xstart
    df = diff(f)
    displayplot = plot(f,xm,xM,rgbcolor='black',thickness=2)
    #ym = displayplot.ymin()
    #yM = displayplot.ymax()
    for each in range(num_approx):
        if (df(x=xprev) != 0):
            xnext = -f(x=xprev)/df(x=xprev)+xprev
            displayplot = displayplot + line([[xprev,0],[xprev,f(x=xprev)]],
            displayplot = displayplot + plot(df(x=xprev)*(x-xprev)+f(x=xprev
            displayplot = displayplot + point((xnext,0),pointsize=20)
            xprev = xnext
            displayplot = displayplot + line([[xm,f(x=xprev)],[xM,f(x=xprev
    if (df(x=xprev) != 0):
        if (roundto!=0):
            html("Approximation is " + (str(round(xprev,roundto)).rstrip('0'
            html("Approximation is " + (str(xprev).rstrip('0')))
        displayplot = displayplot + point((xprev,0),pointsize=30,rgbcolor=
        html("Unable to complete, due to horizontal tangent line."),xmax=xM,ymin=ym,ymax=yM),xmax=xM)



The other is very long is called "Grand Tour" (and at the top has "The Sage 
Library -- a Grand Tour, June 2009".  It is too long for me to search for 
characters "manually".

I can live without them, so I am happy enough, but anyone is interested in 
finding exactly what went wrong, I'd be glad to help.

Thanks for the help!


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