
sage: V.subspace([x*v]) == V.subspace([v])*x

Sage matrices are allow indifferently on vectors from left to right.
But of course, the action is not the same but there is no row vectors
vs column vectors.

sage: v*x
(1, 1)
sage: x*v
(1, 0)

Your example shows that when acting on subspaces it is actually the
left action which is used... which is silly, I definitely agree, since
the action on subspaces is on right.


2015-01-30 15:51 UTC+01:00, Peter Mueller <>:
> After hours of debugging some program code, I found out that right
> multiplication of a row subspace of K^n by an element x from GL(n,K) does
> *not* do what I expected!
> sage: V = GF(2)^2
> sage: v = V((1,0))
> sage: x = GL(2,2)(matrix([[1,1],[0,1]]))
> sage: V.subspace([v*x]) == V.subspace([v])*x
> False
> It seems that right multiplication by x actually multiplies by the
> *transpose* of x? Is there any reason for that? That is even worse than the
> completely silly and error prone notation for permutation groups, where a
> *right action* is written from the left, so g(h(x)) isn't (g*h)(x).
> -- Peter Mueller
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