
If it is just a matter of display you can use the method .replace() of strings

sage: sage: initial_string = "$.1 + 3 $.2"
sage: sage: initial_string.replace("$.1", "e").replace("$.2", "f")
'e + 3 f'

You can also have a look at
for multiple replacement.

To convert your magma polynomial p into a string just do str(p).


2015-01-03 15:40 UTC+01:00, Sihuang Hu <husihu...@gmail.com>:
> Hi,
> I found that Sage is not able to compute the Complete Weight Enumerator of
> Linear Codes.
> So I load magma to compute it:
> sage: k.<a> = GF(2**2)
> sage: MS = MatrixSpace(k,4,7)
> sage: G  = MS([[1,1,1,0,0,0,0], [1,0,0,1,1,0,0], [0,1,0,1,0,1,0],
> [1,1,0,1,0,0,1]])
> sage: C = LinearCode(G)
> sage: magma.CompleteWeightEnumerator(C)
> $.1^7 + 7*$.1^4*$.2^3 + 7*$.1^4*$.3^3 + 7*$.1^4*$.4^3 + 7*$.1^3*$.2^4 +
> 7*$.1^3*$.3^4 + 7*$.1^3*$.4^4 + 42*$.1^2*$.2^2*$.3^2*$.4 +
> 42*$.1^2*$.2^2*$.3*$.4^2 + 42*$.1^2*$.2*$.3^2*$.4^2 +
> 42*$.1*$.2^2*$.3^2*$.4^2 + $.2^7 + 7*$.2^4*$.3^3 + 7*$.2^4*$.4^3 +
> 7*$.2^3*$.3^4 + 7*$.2^3*$.4^4 + $.3^7 + 7*$.3^4*$.4^3 + 7*$.3^3*$.4^4 +
> $.4^7
> Do anyone know how I can get the output of
> 'magma.CompleteWeightEnumerator(C)'
> as the following form
> e^7 + 7*e^4*x^3 + 7*e^4*y^3 + 7*e^4*z^3 + ...
> In other words, display $.1 -> e, $.2 -> x, $.3 -> y, $.4 -> z.
> Thanks,
> Sihuang
> --
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