Runing Sage 6.4.1 on a MacBook Pro, OS X 10.9 (but the problems below 
happen on all other Macs running 10.6 for example (with appropriate Sage 

I usually use Sage from a Python script.  And I use the Python and 
packages/libraries provided in Sage.  When using plotting calls in 
Matplotlib to a window with TkAgg as the backend I always have to add the 
file _tkagg to the backends in the Sage/.../matplotlib/backends folder.  
Otherwise I get an error and a complaint that   _tkagg  cannot be found:

 ImportError: cannot import name _tkagg  (an import from

 This happens every time I upgrade Sage.  Luckily I have the _tkagg   file 
from previous Python installs and can still copy that one over.

 My Question:  Why doesn't Sage supply the _tkagg   file?  Or should I be 
using some other backend to plot to a window?

 Thank you for any ideas, info, or help.

-- Lou Pecora

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