First of all, the error message makes it clear that you need to specify the 
notebook now:

$ ./sage -notebook ~/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb
CRITICAL:root:unknown notebook: /home/vbraun/.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb
Error, notebook must be one of default, ipython, sagenb but got 

However, there is a bug with sagenb positional arguments. With  #17439 
(needs review) the following works:

sage --notebook=sagenb "/path/to/mysagenotebook.sagenb"

On Wednesday, December 3, 2014 10:52:31 AM UTC, slelievre wrote:
> In this question on ask-sage
> a user says calling
>     sage -notebook "/path/to/mysagenotebook.sagenb"
> no longer works in Sage 6.4.1, while it worked in Sage 6.3.
> Is this linked to the recent incorporation of the ipython notebook
> and related changes in syntax for launching the notebook with
> certain options?
> slelievre

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