Op dinsdag 18 november 2014 04:07:56 UTC+1 schreef Nils Bruin:
> On Monday, November 17, 2014 5:49:14 PM UTC-8, Bozh wrote:
>> ;;; (RUN-PROGRAM "gcc" ("-I." "-I/Applications/sage/local/lib/ecl/" 
>> "-I/Users/buildslave-sage/slave/sage_git/build/local/include" 
>> "-I/Users/buildslave-sage/slave/sage_git/build/local/include" "-g" "-O2" 
>> "-fPIC" "-fno-common" "-Ddarwin" "-O2" "-c" 
>> "/private/var/folders/gh/26025ywx7w128zfds279s_9r0000gn/T/ecl001IqKQ2b.c" 
>> "-o" 
>> "/private/var/folders/gh/26025ywx7w128zfds279s_9r0000gn/T/ecl001IqKQ2b.o"))
>> Condition of type: UNBOUND-VARIABLE
>> The variable C::GAZONK is unbound.
> You probably downloaded a binary? By the looks of it, ecl has some paths 
> hard-baked into it: 
> "-I/Users/buildslave-sage/slave/sage_git/build/local/include". That path 
> probably doesn't exist on your computer, but it was present on the mac on 
> which the binary was built.
> Compilation would probably fail anyway, because you probably don't have a 
> gcc that is compatible with the rest of the build (I assume we're not 
> shipping gcc with our binary).
> The odd thing is that maxima deems it necessary to compile itself. Your 
> binary should have a precompiled maxima available already. Something must 
> have gotten damaged or the binary distribution from which you started is 
> broken/incompatible with your OSX. First thing to try might be to try and 
> install a fresh binary if you haven't done so already.

It could be caused by the following lines in the Maxima source code (in 

(defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-f-0 (compile nil 
(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.[0-9]*[1-9])00*$")))
(defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-f-1 (compile nil 
(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.0)00*$")))
(defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-e-0 (compile nil 
(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.[0-9]*[1-9])00*([^0-9][+-][0-9]*)$")))
(defparameter trailing-zeros-regex-e-1 (compile nil 
(maxima-nregex::regex-compile "^(.*\\.0)00*([^0-9][+-][0-9]*)$")))

These are executed each time Maxima starts.  The call to compile apparently 
invokes the C compiler.  On a system I use, the /tmp directory is a tmpfs 
file system mounted with the noexec flag, and unless I set TMPDIR to 
something else than /tmp, the above lines cause the following error when 
starting Maxima:

;;; Loading #P"/home/bruinpj/src/sage/local/lib/ecl/cmp.fas"
;;; OPTIMIZE levels: Safety=2, Space=0, Speed=3, Debug=0
;;; End of Pass 1.
;;; Internal error:
;;;   ** LOAD: Could not load file #P"/tmp/ecl001kpMN0E.fas" (Error: 
"/tmp/ecl001kpMN0E.fas: failed to map segment from shared object: Operation 
not permitted")
Condition of type: UNBOUND-VARIABLE
The variable C::GAZONK is unbound.


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