Am 2014-10-27 um 19:08 schrieb mjs:
> With the recent release of Firefox 33 (now shipped to Fedora, coming
> soon to an OS near you), I can no longer connect to my Sage 6.3 server. 
> The error I get is:
> An error occurred during a connection to
> The key does not support the requested operation. (Error code:
> sec_error_invalid_key)
>     The page you are trying to view cannot be shown because the
> authenticity of the received data could not be verified.
>     Please contact the website owners to inform them of this problem.
> This is apparently due to Firefox removing support for SSL other than
> that provided by libPKIX. There seem to be a few different possible
> issues with the key that is generated when Sage is built that might
> cause this, e.g., key not long enough (Firefox now requires keys to be
> 1024 bits or more).  Has anyone else seen this?  

Yes, I have the same problem.


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