The first time you launch the Sage notebook,
which could be by typing in a terminal

    sage -notebook

or by typing, in a Sage session,


this will
- launch a notebook server locally on your computer,
- and log you in to the notebook server

This notebook server is multi-user, with a user called 'admin'.
You will be logged in with the username 'admin'.

So, really, the Sage notebook server is asking you to define
a password for this user called 'admin'. It is not asking you
to type in an admin password for your computer.


Le jeudi 16 octobre 2014 19:28:04 UTC+2, Alex Hailey a écrit :
> I am using Mavericks OS X 10.9.5. I am a little confused why I need an 
> admin password. I am only running locally without any plans to access my 
> notebook from other computers over the internet. I put a secure password, 
> but I am unsure why I can't leave it blank.
> On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 9:52:02 PM UTC-7, Ivan Andrus wrote:
>> I’m glad it worked out for you.  You _shouldn’t_ have to do that, 
>> however.  It should open up a Terminal automatically.  What version of OS X 
>> are you using?
>> -Ivan
>> On Oct 14, 2014, at 11:57 AM, Alex Hailey <> wrote:
>> Thank you! Fixed my problem. For the first time running the Sage you need 
>> to do the following:
>> Terminal Session > Sage > then type notebook(). This should then prompt 
>> for a new password, which it did for me. Set up your password (please note 
>> that in terminal characters do not appear). It now runs as expected.
>> It may not prompt for a password because Apple released a path for bash 
>> in September due to the shell shock vulnerability. Might be worth looking 
>> into.
>> On Monday, October 13, 2014 6:53:30 PM UTC-7, Ivan Andrus wrote:
>>> If you started the notebook server using the menus, it should have 
>>> opened and prompted you for a password.  If this didn’t 
>>> happen, you can move ~/.sage and try again.  If that doesn’t fix your 
>>> problem then it’s likely a bug in that part of the code and I would like to 
>>> know more specifics about OS version etc. to try and debug it.  
>>> Alternately, you should also be able to start up a shell version 
>>> (Terminal Session > Sage from the menus), and then run notebook() from 
>>> there.  This will give you better insight into what’s going wrong.
>>> -Ivan
>>> On Oct 13, 2014, at 6:04 PM, Alex Hailey <> wrote:
>>> I have the same error as above. I am trying to set up Sage-6.3 for OS X 
>>> 10.9. I installed the "app"-version and ran for the first time and get the 
>>> "Sage server failed to start" message. Not sure what needs to be done. It 
>>> looks like I need to set-up a password somewhere, but am unsure as to what 
>>> I need to do.
>>> My output is nearly the same:
>>> Please wait while the Sage Notebook server starts...
>>> /Applications/
>>> GetPassWarning: Can not control echo on the terminal.
>>>   passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
>>> Warning: Password input may be echoed.
>>> Enter new password: The notebook files are stored in: 
>>> sage_notebook.sagenb
>>> Please choose a new password for the Sage Notebook 'admin' user.
>>> Do _not_ choose a stupid password, since anybody who could guess your 
>>> password
>>> and connect to your machine could access or delete your files.
>>> NOTE: Only the hash of the password you type is stored by Sage.
>>> You can change your password by typing notebook(reset=True).
>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/", 
>>> line 34, in <module>
>>>     notebook()
>>>   File "lazy_import.pyx", line 358, in 
>>> sage.misc.lazy_import.LazyImport.__call__ 
>>> (build/cythonized/sage/misc/lazy_import.c:3000)
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/",
>>> line 228, in __call__
>>>     return self.notebook(*args, **kwds)
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/",
>>> line 563, in notebook_run
>>>     passwd = get_admin_passwd()
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/",
>>> line 643, in get_admin_passwd
>>>     passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter new password: ")
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/",
>>> line 83, in unix_getpass
>>>     passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/",
>>> line 118, in fallback_getpass
>>>     return _raw_input(prompt, stream)
>>>   File 
>>> "/Applications/",
>>> line 135, in _raw_input
>>>     raise EOFError
>>> EOFError
>>> On Friday, September 19, 2014 5:23:07 AM UTC-7, kcrisman wrote:
>>>> Can you be more specific about exactly what you were trying to do? 
>>>>  This is very vague, just reporting a log without context.  Thanks!
>>>> On Wednesday, September 17, 2014 10:10:06 AM UTC-4, Jacques Avigdor 
>>>> wrote:
>>>>> Here the act Log
>>>>> Traceback (most recent call last):
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/Applications/",
>>>>> line 34, in <module>
>>>>>     notebook()
>>>>>   File "lazy_import.pyx", line 358, in 
>>>>> sage.misc.lazy_import.LazyImport.__call__ 
>>>>> (build/cythonized/sage/misc/lazy_import.c:3000)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/Applications/",
>>>>> line 228, in __call__
>>>>>     return self.notebook(*args, **kwds)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/Applications/",
>>>>> line 563, in notebook_run
>>>>>     passwd = get_admin_passwd()
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/Applications/",
>>>>> line 643, in get_admin_passwd
>>>>>     passwd = getpass.getpass("Enter new password: ")
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/Applications/",
>>>>> line 83, in unix_getpass
>>>>>     passwd = fallback_getpass(prompt, stream)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/Applications/",
>>>>> line 118, in fallback_getpass
>>>>>     return _raw_input(prompt, stream)
>>>>>   File 
>>>>> "/Applications/",
>>>>> line 135, in _raw_input
>>>>>     raise EOFError
>>>>> EOFError
>>> -- 
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