You can use os.system:

import os
os.system("convert..... ")
 On Oct 10, 2014 12:54 PM, <> wrote:

> Hi,
> I have an idea using ImageMagic.
> In terminal:
> $ convert -resize x350 file.png file2.png
> In notebook:
> from IPython.display import display, Image
> display(Image('/path/to/directory/file2.png'))
> Would you please show me  how to do "convert -resize x350 file.png
> file2.png" in notebook ?
> I usually input the following.
> $ sage -ipython notebook
> from sage.all import *
>     ...
> Thanks,
> Y. Sato
> 2014年9月29日月曜日 11時47分19秒 UTC+9
>> Hi,
>> I made an example.
>>     from IPython.display import display, Image
>>     x = var('x')
>>     plot(sin(x), 0, 2*pi, figsize= 4).save('/path/to/directory/file.png')
>>     display(Image('/path/to/directory/file.png'))
>> Thanks.
>>  y. Sato
>> On Sunday, September 28, 2014 11:57:52 AM UTC+9, P Purkayastha wrote:
>>> You can use the "figsize" keyword to resize your image. See this:
>>> More examples can be found in the plot() documentation:
>>> plot.html#sage.plot.plot.plot
>>> On Friday, September 26, 2014 11:04:45 AM UTC+8, wrote:
>>>> Hello,
>>>> Would you teach me how to change image size ?
>>>> Thanks!
>>> Yoshihiro Sato
>>>> On Thursday, June 6, 2013 4:18:54 PM UTC+9, Jose Guzman wrote:
>>>>> This was a very good idea!
>>>>> Now I generate the plots as you mentioned:
>>>>> The trick was to use IPython.display to take the png files. Like this:
>>>>> x = var('x')
>>>>> plot(sin(x), 0, 2*pi).save('/path/to/directory/file.png')
>>>>> from IPython.display import display, Image
>>>>> display(Image('/path/to/directory/file.png'))
>>>>> On Sunday, June 2, 2013 11:34:06 AM UTC+2, P Purkayastha wrote:
>>>>>> In Sage the plots appear "inline", but the plots are saved as files
>>>>>> in a directory structure within the working worksheet directory. From my
>>>>>> reading here:
>>>>>> notebook-format
>>>>>> it appears that the ipython notebook saves everything inside a single
>>>>>> json file, which is probably also how one gets everything "inline". I am
>>>>>> just thinking out loud; not sure if this is exactly how it works - but it
>>>>>> does look like it is not compatible with how the Sage plots work.
>>>>>> There are two possible solutions:
>>>>>> 1. Find out how matplotlib plots are handled. They must be saved in
>>>>>> some directory as png files before they are displayed in the ipython
>>>>>> notebook. If you can find that directory, then give that path along with 
>>>>>> a
>>>>>> file name to the Sage's plot command, like this:
>>>>>> plot(x).save('/path/to/directory/file.png')
>>>>>> 2. Use Sage to plot, but at the last step, take the matplotlib Figure
>>>>>> object out of sage. Then use some direct matplotlib calls to show this
>>>>>> figure (I don't know exactly what they should be), like this:
>>>>>> p = plot(x) + plot(x^2) + list_plot(range(5))
>>>>>> pm = p.matplotlib(<pass other options as you see fit>) # This is a
>>>>>> matplotlib Figure object
>>>>>> from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
>>>>>> # Some matplotlib commands which can incorporate this Figure object
>>>>>> into the plt object
>>>>>> On Friday, May 31, 2013 9:41:34 PM UTC+8, Jose Guzman wrote:
>>>>>>> Hi everyboydy!
>>>>>>> Is there any way to display Sage plots in inline mode? I've tried
>>>>>>> sage
>>>>>>> ipython notebook -pylab=inline but It did not work.
>>>>>>> Declaring %pylab inline does not help, for example:
>>>>>>>  >>> from sage.all import*
>>>>>>>  >>> t = var('t')
>>>>>>>  >>> plot(sin(t), 0, 2*pi)
>>>>>>> n _plot_args(self, tup, kwargs)
>>>>>>>      290             tup = tup[:-1]
>>>>>>>      291         elif len(tup) == 3:
>>>>>>> --> 292             raise ValueError('third arg must be a format
>>>>>>> string')
>>>>>>>      293         else:
>>>>>>>      294             linestyle, marker, color = None, None, None
>>>>>>> ValueError: third arg must be a format string
>>>>>>> Thanks!
>>>>>>> Jose
>>>>>>> --
>>>>>>> Jose Guzman
>>>>>>  --
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