On 2014-08-29, kcrisman <kcris...@gmail.com> wrote:

> sage: gp.eval('intnum(x=1,100000000000,1/sqrt(x^4+2))')
> '0.88156906043147435374520375967552406680'
> sage: gp.eval('intnum(x=1,1000000000000,1/sqrt(x^4+2))')
> '0.88156906044791138558085421922579474969'

Hmm, what method does PARI/GP use? The documentation for intnum
doesn't seem to mention any algorithms. ... I just looked at the
source code (intnum.c) and I can't tell what's going on. There is
some code for Romberg's method (intnumromb) but it's not called from

> Harald, thanks.  I think now we have six or seven ways to do quadrature in 
> Sage!

Yes, but most of them are QUADPACK, right?


Robert Dodier

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