On 2014-08-24, Chris Maness <ch...@chrismaness.com> wrote:
> --20cf3010e841816222050156b1b6
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> On Sat, Aug 23, 2014 at 5:23 PM, <ssing...@coe.edu> wrote:
>> On Saturday, August 23, 2014 6:28:33 PM UTC-5, Chris Maness wrote:
>>> I am thinking I am not a big fan of using the sage -upgrade command since
>>> it downloads all the source and recompiles the whole thing from source.  Is
>>> there a clean way to upgrade using binaries?
>> Before offering advice on upgrading, it would be helpful to know the
>> information requested at the top of this group, especially what OS and sage
>> versions you're running. Also, do you need to preserve
>> modifications/additions to your current sage install, and do you have admin
>> privileges for the machine?
>> http://www.sagemath.org/download.html is the canonical location for
>> binaries.
>> Steve
> I am running Mavericks, and I only need my notebooks to persist.  I am
> currently running 6.2.

Why don't you just install a binary release of 6.3 for your platform?
It does not destroy your notebooks, as far as I know.
If you want to make a backup of your notebooks, just copy somewhere the whole 
.sage/sage_notebook.sagenb/ directory from the home directory of the account 
you use to run Sage.

As a matter of fact, this would be quite hard to implement an incremental 
binary update.
As well, sage --update was never meant to be a user-friendly thing in the first 
The quickerst incremental updates would be using git and recompilation.

> Regards,
> Chris

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