Thanks, William!

> It absolutely will use two additional *processes*, as you might see by
> watching with htop, top, or using ps.

Is it right that the master process is creating all the subprocesses?
I'd suspect I don't quite see the other processes in action simply
because they are there only for milliseconds...

> Yes-ish.  Just to be clear there is one single fork that happens,
> which means that
> (almost) all state of the process is inherited by the subprocess.

Yes, but every subprocess modified the data structure *within the
subprocess*, the object in the main process is not modified, or am I
missing something? (That's at least how I understand the
documentation, and what I see happening in my computation output.)

> That fakes @parallel -- providing the same API -- but actually running
> everything in serial in the parent process.  No forking or anything
> else happens.  It's for testing and development purposes.

I see.

> Break up your computation into far less than 20,000 separate steps, then us 
> @parallel.

Okay, I'll do that.

But I still don't see how I should handle the side effects that are
supposed to effect objects in the main process.

Or are you suggesting that I should (actually also for clarity of the
code) completely remove all side effects, do the computations in
parallel, but instead of the side effects return the stuff I need and
then do the side effect stuff in serial. Sth. like

def f(m):
    return [ factor(k) for k in range(1000*m, 1000*(m+1)) ]

obj = MyObj()
for x in f([1..20]):
        print x[0]
        for y in x:

If I should do it this way: is the body of the for-loop executed in
the main process *in parallel* to the subprocess computing the next
element of the iterator f([1..20]) ?

Thanks again for the clarification!


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