
On 2014-07-27, Matematica pentru toți <davio...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I tried:
> while x<10:
>     if (124+5*x)%2==0:
>         print x,
>         x=x+1

I suppose you need to define an initial value for x first (i.e. prepend
the assignment x=0).

Or, better: Use the fact that Sage's underlying language, both for
programming and interactive usage) is *Python* (with some syntactic sugar
to define polynomial rings or symbolic functions interactively). For

  sage: [x for x in range(10) if (124+5*x)%2==0]
  [0, 2, 4, 6, 8]
  sage: for x in range(10):
  ....:     if (124+5*x)%2==0:
  ....:         print x,
  0 2 4 6 8

The first version creates a list of integers, that you can then use for
other purposes. The second version just prints the integers.

Best regards,

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