Hansen Chen wrote:
I have found the answers to questions 2) and 3) in cloud.sagemath FAQ
<https://github.com/sagemath/cloud/wiki/FAQ#own-ipython> regarding
downloading from PyPi. Sorry for not checking FAQ more thoroughly before
posting. I am new to SAGE. Question 1) still remains as to how to check
whether a certain package is already in cloud.sagemath.
sage: is_package_installed("foo")
Note that (e.g.) optional_packages() (from the Sage prompt) is currently
broken, but you can use 'sage --optional' in the shell.
But probably you're not that interested in /Sage/ packages, but "plain"
Python packages.
In that case, you could use pkg_resources, e.g.
import pkg_resources
pkg_resources.get_distribution("foo") # may raise DistributionNotFound
or simply try to 'import foo'... ;-)
On Wednesday, June 11, 2014 12:41:52 PM UTC-4, Hansen Chen wrote:
I would like to do the following.
1) Inspect the python packages that are already in the cloud.sagemath.
2) Install new python packages that are not in cloud.sagemath.
4) I tried in the command terminal the following python command to
install a package called gensim.
$ easy_install -U gensim
$ pip install --upgrade gensim
such as what is shown in http://radimrehurek.com/gensim/install.html
It seems I do not have the permission to do this. I then tried
$ sudo easy_install -U gensim
I then typed in my cloud.sagemath password. It does not acknowledge
it. I suppose the super user is the website administration not me.
What should I do to install a new package in the cloud? Is the only
option to install it locally on my own machine and add search path
to the local package?
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