On Saturday, 7 June 2014 00:13:50 UTC+10, Dinakar Muthiah wrote:
> Ideally, I would like to define a subclass of Partition called MyPartition 
> and include all my custom methods. I think this is a standard way to extend 
> libraries, but for some reason this doesn't work at all. Is there a 
> solution that is more in the spirit of subclassing?

On Saturday, 7 June 2014 00:13:50 UTC+10, Dinakar Muthiah wrote:
> Ideally, I would like to define a subclass of Partition called MyPartition 
> and include all my custom methods. I think this is a standard way to extend 
> libraries, but for some reason this doesn't work at all. Is there a 
> solution that is more in the spirit of subclassing?

The problem is that a partition in sage is not an isolated object, rather, 
it is the element class of Partitions. If you want to subclass Partition 
then you also need to create a parent.  Also, as Nils says below you are 
likely to run into problems because any (most?) method(s) of MyPartition 
that returns a partition will return a Partition rather than a MyPartition. 
This said, if you really want to do this then you need something like the 

from sage.structure.element import Element
from sage.structure.global_options import GlobalOptions
from sage.combinat.partition import PartitionOptions

class MyPartition(Partition):
    def __classcall_private__(cls, mu=None, **keyword):
        return MyPartitions()(super(MyPartition,cls).__classcall_private__(

    def fred(self):
        return "fred"

class MyPartitions(Partitions):

Quite likely there will be more tweaks to get this to work fully, but it 
certainly gets things going:
%attach mypartiiton.py
sage: MyPartition([3,2])
[3, 2]
sage: mu=MyPartition([3,2]).cells()
sage: mu=MyPartition([3,2]).fred()


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