On Sun, Jun 1, 2014 at 5:20 PM, Fred Gruber <fgru...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> I have noticed that when in the notebook in R mode when you run a function
> that takes a long time and prints status at every loop this output will not
> show in the cell output window until the end of the operation.  If I'm in
> python mode and run a print statement in a for loop we get to see the output
> at every loop and not just at the end.
> Is there a way to get a similar behavior when running R code? perhaps we can
> use the sink function to redirect the output?

Here's a minimal test case to illustrate the issue:

for (i in 1:5 ) {

Implementing what you want would unfortunately be fairly nontrivial
since currently the output is only got after the output prompt appears
in the output stream.

The R kernel for IPython notebook might solve this problem in a
different way (I don't know) - it would be worth trying.

 -- William

> thanks
> Fred
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William Stein
Professor of Mathematics
University of Washington

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