Hi Gabriel,

On 2014-05-25, Gabriel Furstenheim Milerud <furstenh...@gmail.com> wrote:
> There is a memory leak in the evaluation of multivariable polynomials:
> -C.<x,y,z>=GF(2)[]
> -f=x^4+x*y^3+z^6
> -get_memory_usage()
> .....1014.47265625
> - for i in xrange(1000000):
>     a=f(1,0,0)
> -get_memory_usage()
> .....1052.47265625

Note that you first request the memory usage before assigning
"a=f(1,0,0)". But to some extend, I can confirm an increase of memory
usage (with Sage 6.2):

  sage: C.<x,y,z> = GF(2)[]
  sage: f = x^4+x*y^3+z^6
  sage: a = f(1,0,0)
  sage: get_memory_usage()
  sage: for i in xrange(1000000):
  ....:     a = f(1,0,0)
  sage: get_memory_usage()
  sage: for i in xrange(1000000):
  ....:    a = f(1,0,0)
  sage: get_memory_usage()

We have an increase of 22-24 megabytes in 10^6 rounds, thus 23-25 byte per 
Actually I wonder how such a tiny leak is even possible! In any case, it
should be fixed.

>  try:
>     K = x[0].parent()
>   except AttributeError:
>     K = self.parent().base_ring()
>   y = K(0)
>   for (m,c) in self.element().dict().iteritems():
>      y += c*misc.mul([ x[i]**m[i] for i in range(n) if m[i] != 0])
>   return y
> So in every loop a new ring K is created and saved

No, K is already there, it is either x[0].parent() or self.parent().base_ring().
Actually it is K=GF(2), if I am not mistaken. Moreover, I don't think this 
of code is evaluated in your example.

Anyway, thank you for the example!
Best regards,

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