Hello there,

as you can see below I am defining a polynomial ring, an ideal and 
computing its Groebner Basis in a for loop (iterating threw different .xml 

During the computation I set an alarm for 5s (in the example below still 
60s) and let the program print a message in the error case. But since that 
happened the next computation raises an error by the groebner_basis() 

In the output below you can see that the first computation is successful, 
the seconds aborts and the third raises an error due to some kind of 
"basering" definition. Googling I came up with this (
cp 1-7-5), because I am using the Singular algorithm to compute the 
Groebner Basis.

But since I do not know how to fix this in Sage, I please for your help.

Thanks for any answers.

With best regards


1 Cassou_1.xml

Multivariate Polynomial Ring in b, c, d, e over Rational Field

Degree reverse lexicographic term order

1 loops, best of 1: 219.62 ms per loop

1 Cohn_2.xml

Multivariate Polynomial Ring in t, x, y, z over Rational Field

Degree reverse lexicographic term order

abort after 60s

1 Curves.curve10_20.xml

Multivariate Polynomial Ring in x0, x1, x2, x3, x4, x5, x6, x7, x8, x9, 
x10, u, v over Rational Field

Degree reverse lexicographic term order

// ** redefining i_par **

// ** redefining # **

// ** redefining P **

Exception RuntimeError: RuntimeError('Error raised calling singular 
function',) in 'sage.libs.singular.function.LibraryCallHandler.handle_call' 


RuntimeError                              Traceback (most recent call last)


----> 1 load('/Users/kenneth/Desktop/example.sage')


load(filename, globals, attach)

*   1771*             # Preparse in memory only for speed.

*   1772*             exec_file_is(fpath)

-> 1773             exec preparse_file(open(fpath).read()) + "\n" in globals

*   1774*     elif fpath.endswith('.spyx') or fpath.endswith('.pyx'):

*   1775*         exec_file_is(fpath)




sage_timeit(stmt, globals_dict, preparse, number, repeat, precision, 

*    241*                     break

*    242* 

--> 243         series = [s/number for s in timer.repeat(repeat, number)]

*    244*         best = min(series)

*    245* 

/Applications/sage/local/lib/python/timeit.pyc in repeat(self, repeat, 

*    221*         r = []

*    222*         for i in range(repeat):

--> 223             t = self.timeit(number)

*    224*             r.append(t)

*    225*         return r

/Applications/sage/local/lib/python/timeit.pyc in timeit(self, number)

*    193*         gc.disable()

*    194*         try:

--> 195             timing = self.inner(it, self.timer)

*    196*         finally:

*    197*             if gcold:

inner(_it, _timer)



groebner_basis(self, algorithm, deg_bound, mult_bound, prot, *args, **kwds)

*   3825*         if algorithm is '':

*   3826*             try:

-> 3827                 gb = 
=deg_bound, mult_bound=mult_bound, *args, **kwds)

*   3828*             except (TypeError,NameError) as msg: # conversion to 
Singular not supported

*   3829*                 try:

wrapper(*args, **kwds)

*    503*         """

*    504*         with LibSingularDefaultContext():

--> 505             return func(*args, **kwds)

*    506*     return wrapper

*    507* 

_groebner_basis_libsingular(self, algorithm, *args, **kwds)

*    836*             S = slimgb_libsingular(self)

*    837*         elif algorithm == "groebner":

--> 838             S = groebner(self)

*    839*         else:

*    840*             try:



RuntimeError: Error in Singular function call 'groebner':

 `basering` is undefined

 error occurred in or before standard.lib::groebner line 887: `  def 

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