For Python packages that are available on, I found the 
following commands helpful:
cd <sagedir>
./sage --python -m easy_install <package_name>

Hope that's of some help!

On Wednesday, 23 April 2014 01:06:51 UTC+1, Akshat Mahajan wrote:
> Hi!
> The general problem: how does one go about installing modules (that are 
> not shipped with Sage) for Python 2.x for Sage in Ubuntu?
> Why I'm asking this: I have to work with files in the hdf4 format. Now, 
> there's a module called PyHDF that allows me to read hdf4 files using 
> Python. However, I only have the Python that comes shipped with Sage, in a 
> Ubuntu environment. I'd like to be able to install PyHDF to the 
> Sage-shipped Python. How do I do that?
> Thank you so much!
> Yours,
> Akshat

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