On Wednesday, April 16, 2014 4:16:30 PM UTC-7, BJ wrote:
> I have the following code, which produces a list of polynomials in the 
> infinite number of variables e_0, e_1, ...
> M.<e> = InfinitePolynomialRing(QQ, implementation="sparse") 
> However, I've been having a lot of trouble figuring out how to do 
>> substitutions in these polynomial rings in order to get what I want.
I think the following should be the recommended way of doing this, but 
currently it doesn't  work:

sage: f = e[1]^2+e[2]^3
sage: f.subs({e[1]: 2})   #this doesn't work

the following does work:

sage: f(e_1=2)

but it's flawed:

sage: f(e_4=2)
KeyError: 'e_4'

The problem seems to be that the standard subs routines expect the parent 
to have a finite, predetermined sequence of generators. That's of course 
not the case for your rings. I think InfinitePolynomialRing has to override 
more of the methods involved.

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