A problem that arose in a recent calculus class involved practical methods 
for finding a numerical estimate of the arc length of the curve  y = x^3  
from  (0,0)  to  (2,8).  So, one might ask, could one use SAGE to perform 
this computation, say, to 10000 decimal places?  (By the way, I don't think 
this is such an unreasonable request.  On a computer with 8 GB of RAM, one 
can easily compute the arc length of a circle to one billion decimal 
places, for example, using Hanhong Xue's implementation of the Chudnovsky 
algorithm in GMP.)

Here is how not to do it:

sage: %time n(1/sqrt(3)*integrate(sqrt(1+x^4), x, 0, 2*sqrt(3)), 
> digits=10000)
> CPU times: user 1.53 s, sys: 0.07 s, total: 1.60 s
> Wall time: 1.60 s
> 8.630329222227694

Well, at least it didn't take very long.  Pretend you didn't know how to 
antidifferentiate the integrand using special functions.  We could proceed 
as follows:

sage: from sympy import integrate, sqrt, var
> sage: x=var('x')
> sage: f=sqrt(1+x**4)
> sage: f.integrate(x)
> x*gamma(1/4)*hyper((-1/2, 1/4), (5/4,), 
> x**4*exp_polar(I*pi))/(4*gamma(5/4))

Performing the obvious simplifications in our heads, we now use this 
antiderivative to evaluate our definite integral:

sage: from mpmath import mp, hyp2f1
> sage: mp.dps = 10001
> sage: %time arclength=2*hyp2f1(-1/2,1/4,5/4,-144)
> CPU times: user 144.20 s, sys: 0.20 s, total: 144.40 s
> Wall time: 144.55 s
> sage: place = file('/tmp/arclength.txt','w')
> sage: place.write(str(arclength))
> sage: place.close()

The file /tmp/arclength.txt now contains the value of the definite integral 
to 10000 decimal places.  (I haven't tested it, but I'm pretty sure the 

sage: mpmath.quadts(lambda x: 1/sqrt(3)*sqrt(1+x^4), (0, 2*sqrt(3)))


sage: new_prec=gp.set_precision(10000)

sage: gp('intnum(x = 0, 2*sqrt(3), 1/sqrt(3)*sqrt(1+x^4))')

would take much too long.)

The good news is that this problem can be solved in SAGE.  There was a time 
when one of the few areas in which Maple and Mathematica could claim 
superiority to SAGE was in this sort of integration problem.  The procedure 
given above at least provides evidence, if not proof, that this is no 
longer the case.

The bad news is that the commands I used were highly unintuitive!  I had to 
know to use sympy.  I had to know which of its routines to import.  I had 
to know the syntax sympy would accept in defining the function (e.g. for 
exponentiation).  Then I had to know to call mpmath.  I had to know the 
name mpmath uses for the hypergeometric function, which is different from 
the name sympy uses.

It would be great if all of this were seamlessly integrated together in 
SAGE, so that if a newcomer simply types in the obvious thing (such as "how 
not to do it" above), he or she gets the desired result.  Short of that, is 
there anything simpler than the somewhat tortuous path that I followed?

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